Our online booking tool allows you to book an appointment from your phone, tablet, or computer.  Our real time calendar is updated to ensure that your preferred preparer and appointment time is locked in. Choose from 3 different appointment types best suited to your needs. We look forward to seeing you!

2024 Tax Season Appointments are now being accepted.

To book with one of our tax preparers, access their calendars below. Do not see your preferred time? Give us a call! Walk-ins are welcomed. Appointment slots are filling up fast!


Please Call to
Book with Cameron

Please call to
Book with Chris

If you have been considering hiring a bookkeeper, let Sun Income Tax & Financial Services, based in Chandler & Mesa, AZ show you how our custom, outsourced bookkeeping services offer a better way. Call us at (480) 775-3887 to start up a conversation, or contact us.